
August Debouzy assisted Total in the launch of the planting of a 40,000-hectare forest in the Republic of the Congo.

Communiqué Corporate - M&A | 31/03/21 | 1 min. | Leïla Hubeaut Ergen Ege


Total and the Forêt Ressources Management group have signed a partnership with the Republic of the Congo for a large-scale afforestation operation: the plantation of a new 40,000-hectare forest on the Batéké trays.

The planted forest will constitute a carbon well of more than 10 million tons of CO2 sequestered over 20 years, which will be certified under the VCS (verified Carbon Community) and the CCB (Climate Community and Biodiversity) standards.

The project, financed by Total, includes agroforestry crops developed with local populations for agricultural production and sustainable energy wood. By 2040, responsible exploitation for responsible productions, in gardened branches (treatment of forest that aims to imitated nature by mixing several species on foot, of different ages), favoring the natural regeneration of local species and will supply Brazzaville and Kinshasa with saws and plywood.

With this project, Total is committed to the development of natural carbon sinks in Africa and thus participates in its carbon emission reduction strategy to achieve a carbon neutrality target in 2050.

August Debouzy advised Total with a team composed of Leïla Hubeaut (Partner) and Ergen Ege (Consuel)


About Total

Total is a multi-energy group, which produces and markets natural gas fuels and low-carbon electricity. Total is present on the entire energy value chain, from the exploration well to the end customers. The group is present is more than 140 countries and has more than 100,000 employees. Present in the Republic of the Congo for more than 50 years, total is the country’s leading energy producer and distributor.

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