
August Debouzy assists Fashion Partner in its social and operational restructuring

Communiqué Employment law and social security law Dispute Resolution Corporate - M&A Restructuring operations Real Estate and Construction | 06/04/21 | 1 min. | Laurent Cotret Anaïs Qureshi Armelle Loste Lucie Constant

Luxury - Retail

August Debouzy assisted the company Fashion Partner, one of the main multimodal transport commissioners to companies in the fashion sector (luxe and retail), as part of its social and operational restructuring.

Placed in judicial reorganization in June 2020, Fashion Partner managed to restructure its business and obtain the adoption by the Bobigny Commercial Court of a reorganization plan ensuring the sustainability of its business.

This judicial reorganization procedure was preceded by a conciliation procedure during which an action plan was put in place in order, on the one hand, to prepare for future negotiations with the problems of stakeholders  in the context of reorganization, and in particular carriers who benefit from direct action against end customers and, on the other hand, to anticipated all social issues, a PES implemented during the observation period.

This restructuring now allows the company to consider strengthening itself in its markets while continuing to develop on high-value-added contracts, particularly in the luxury field, where Fashion Partner has real know-how and a great specificity.

Persons in charge of this file:

- Laurent Cotret, Partner, Armelle Loste, Senior Lawyer – Restructuring
- Anaïs Qureshi, Partner, Lucie Constant, Lawyer - Social

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