
August Debouzy advised Argos Wityu in Olinn’s acquisition of Rentys.

Communiqué Private Equity Corporate - M&A | 18/05/21 | 1 min. | Julien Aucomte Laure Khemiri Maxime Legourd

August Debouzy accompanied Olinn, a European professional equipment management group supported by Argos Wityu, an independent European investment fund, in the acquisition of Rentys, a specialist in operational leasing in Belgium.

Created in 2001 by Christophe Maréchal, Rentys is one of the independent leaders in operational leasing in Belgium, with more than 150 million euros of technological equipment already financed. In recent years, the company has grown steadily thanks to the development of its activity in the field of IT operational rental dedicated to the market for private companies and public institutions.

Thanks to this acquisition, Olinn, a European group specialising in financing and equipment management solutions, aims to become a reference player in operational leasing in Belgium, with nearly €40 million in technological assets in management and 800 customers. Accompanied by Argos Wityu, Olinn now brings together 200 employees and realises nearly e175 million in turnover by managing more than €500 million in assets in Europe. Renty’s integration is thus part of the strategy to extend the group’s geographical network in Europe.

August Debouzy’s team was composed by Julien Aucomte (partner, M&A and Private Equity), Olivier Moriceau (counsel, private Equity and Financing), Laure Khemiri (senior lawyer, M&A and Private Equity), Maxime Legourd (lawyer, M&A and Private Equity) and Leslie Ginape (lawyer, M&A, Private Equity and Financing)

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