Corporate responsibility

As a business we understand our responsibility to society and the environment.

In keeping with our fundamental values of excellence and fairness, the roll out of CSR initiatives is a strategic priority.







Female Partners


Male Partners

1 Female Managing Partner
Men and Women are equally represented on our Management Committee.
We work closely with social impact providers for all our stationery and courier service needs.


The firm has implemented a series of measures to limit our carbon footprint and ban single use plastic. Our challenge is to encourage and empower everyone to meaningfully engage in more ethical behavior.

We are proud to have been awarded the Good Planet Foundation’s carbon offset certificate in recognition of our green initiatives. 

In 2019, we offset 71 tons of CO2, matching the emissions of our business travel that year. Where travelling by train was an option, we took the train in 91.6% of cases. And we offset all of our corporate travel. 

Since 2020, we have been involved in reforestation projects through non-profit Reforest’Action. This focused on planting over 4,000 trees in 2020, in the vulnerable Séguié forest in Côte d’Ivoire, learn more.



Radio interview in July 2019 (Europe 1) with Fabienne Haas explaining the firm’s pro bono work and policy.

Giving back

August Debouzy works with non-profits and charitable foundations that specialize in health care, young people, and humanitarian emergencies.

The firm is also committed to education through arts, culture and science. We proudly support Paris’ public theatre La Comédie française, and several universities.

It is in our DNA to get involved, pro-bono, in projects that serve causes close to our hearts, such as education and access to culture for all”


ADay to give is a firm-wide initiative launched in 2019 to encourage every member of the firm to take a working day to volunteer at a charity of foundation of their choice.

  • Hellen Keller International
  • Tout le monde contre le cancer
  • Avocats Sans Frontières
  • Charte de Paris contre le cancer
  • Amref - Flying doctors
  • Sciences Po
  • Le Club des Juristes
  • Fondation des Femmes
  • Le Choix de l’école
  • Institut international de cancérologie
  • ADPE / Panthéon Assas
  • Comédie Française
  • Réunion des Musées Nationaux
  • Women’s forum for the Economy and Society
