
August & Debouzy provided his assistance with the sale of CDC fast to docapost by Caisse des Dépôts

Communiqué Tax Law Real Estate and Construction Environmental law Employment law and social security law Commercial and international agreements IT & Data Protection Corporate - M&A Private Equity Wealth and asset management Competition, consumer and distribution law Public Law and Public Procurement Law | 20/01/16 | 2 min. | Nathalie Lengaigne Julien Wagmann Vincent Brenot Alexandra Berg-Moussa Philippe Lorentz

Tech & Digital

Since 2006, CDC Fast has supported the digital transformation of local authorities and public bodies by offering a large variety of digital trust services.

This transaction became effective on January 7, 2016 and CDC FAST changed its corporate name to DOCAPOST FAST.


August & Debouzy assisted Caisse des Dépôts, with a team led by Julien Wagmann, partner, and Pierre-Antoine Degrolard regarding corporate law aspects, with the assistance of Vincent Brenot, partner, regarding regulatory issues, Alexandra Berg-Moussa, counsel, regarding commercial law and IP aspects, Nathalie Lengaigne, counsel, regarding labour and employment law aspects, and Philippe Lorentz, partner, as regards tax issues.


Company of the Groupe La Poste proposing skills in document solutions and digital exchanges, DOCAPOST assists companies and institutions with their digital and mobile transition. DOCAPOST proposes custom or turnkey solutions, from advises to delegated management of processes, including the exchange of secured data, electronic archiving, digitizing, delivery and management of digital identities. DOCAPOST employs 4,600 people across 450 sites in France and generated about 450 million euros of sales in 2014. DOCAPOST is also active in various countries – United-States, England, Spain, Mexico, etc., and therefore proposes cross-border solutions to its clients. The solutions offered by DOCAPOST are audited and certified by independent authorities to warrant a perfect reliability.


Created in 2006, DOCAPOST FAST contributes to the acceleration of digital transformation of companies and local authorities by offering digital trust solutions in SaaS mode. FAST-ACTES services (dematerialization of legality control) and FAST-Hélios services (dematerialization of accounting flows between authorizing officers and payers) are approved by the French Ministry of the Interior and the French Direction Générale des Finances Publiques. FAST-Elus services (dematerialization of meetings), FAST-Parapheur services (full solution of electronic signatures), FAST-Echanges services (secured exchanges of documents), FAST-Vigilance services (dematerialization of exchanges between clients and suppliers concerning the compliance with vigilance obligations), FAST-LRE services (electronic registered letter) and FAST-Archives services (electronic archiving with probative value) complete the range of services offered by DOCAPOST FAST.

About the Caisse des Dépôts group

Caisse des Dépôts and its subsidiaries constitute a public group, a long-term investor supporting general interest and economic development of territories. Its mission was reaffirmed by the French Law on modernization of the Economy of August 4, 2008.

Recognized for its expertise in the management of mandates, the Group focuses its action on four strategic transitions for the long-term development of France: territorial, ecological, energy, digital and demographical transitions.

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